Bongó practicing.

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Bongó practicing.

Postby Cacahuét » Fri May 29, 2015 7:41 pm

I am studiying bongó and I think that would be very usefull for me to have some bongó variation transcriptions and latin rythm grooves, preferably without bongó, audio samples for practising. Could any body help me?
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Re: Bongó practicing.

Postby blavonski » Fri May 29, 2015 8:11 pm

Hello Cacahuét,
Given the fact that the role of the Bongó in an ensemble, whether it is a Son group, Conjunto or so called Salsa Band is Rhythmic and improvisational, I would suggest that you listen to as many recordings of authentic Afrocuban Music that feature Bongos that you can find. Now of course as so many on this forum know, you can adopt other Rhythms that are played on conga usually to the Bongo´. But, the Martillo is the bread and butter of this instrument and everything else stems from it, including how well one can improvise and stay in clave with the other instruments. Again, in my opinion, listening, listening and listening some more to and playing along with recordings of as many Bongo players in different settings and musical styles as you can is the best way to get a handle on the language that relates to the Bongó.

Master the basics, (Martillo, Clave and Compana) and what comes behind that, that is you. The music tells you what to play when you have developed a loving relationship to the drum and the music, and can hear all that it wants to tell you and anyone else who's listening. Good luck delving into the deep rhythmic waters of this wondeful and too often underated instrument.
Good Vibrations,
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Re: Bongó practicing.

Postby Thomas Altmann » Sun Jun 07, 2015 10:01 am

Hi Cacahuét,

take a look at this:

That's a book.

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Re: Bongó practicing.

Postby burke » Sun Jun 07, 2015 2:26 pm

Hi there,

First I am not a great bongo player, but I love playing them. I have fair martillo and beyond that I copy fills and variations I like or just make shit up.

So that caveat out of the way I've found a few resources. Trevor Salloum, has two books with variations, fills other rhythms etc. I have one and to be honest I've never gotten around to exploring it very much. Its on the to-do list.

Online there are lots of amazingly sad things, but a few good.

Michael de Miranda has a few beyond martillo bongo videos online. For my money, Michael's videos are the best online resource out there hands down. The reason being is he uses a combination of learning/teaching styles [transcriptions as well as demos], breaks things down into manageable chunks, goes at a reasonable pace, has a sense of humour and is positive [he doesn't harp on how 'hard' everything is].

Michael Spiro also has a bongo section on his pay for it website. At the risk of being being eviscerated and my corpse set aflame by the community, I would take everything I said about de Miranda above and reverse it for Spiro.

All of the above may be too basic for you.

As for play along music, its come up before ... hard to come by. Search the forum using the term 'minus one' and you will find a thread about that.

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Re: Bongó practicing.

Postby caballoballo » Sun Jun 07, 2015 10:13 pm

You could try the encyclopedia of reading rhytms book by Gary Hess. On that book you play 4 bars of martillo a then play the 4 bar fill of the lesson. Do it all the way down then backwards, up side down and so on. Trust me it gets very interesting. :mrgreen:
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Re: Bongó practicing.

Postby CDEM » Tue Aug 11, 2015 2:28 pm


I made a transcription from Dandy's style
it's about his martillo and variations (no soloing)
you can find it here

I hope you enjoy
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Re: Bongó practicing.

Postby jorge » Tue Aug 11, 2015 3:55 pm

CDEM, let me get this straight. You are SELLING a transcription to someone else's original bongo riffs? I see you have the transcription copyrighted and have taken measures to prevent someone from pirating your transcription. Did Dandy Rodriguez grant you the copyright to his recorded work? Are you paying him a percentage royalties? I have not looked to see whether these are standard riffs or Dandy's original creations, but a lot of his stuff is his own. Does he have it copyrighted? If so, did you get a transfer of copyright from him to you? Where did you get the recording of Dandy playing in the first place?
OK, if you are going to sit there and teach someone how to play a part right, show them, listen to them and correct them, I can see charging for the lesson, that is normal practice. But to copy and transcribe someone else's recorded work, copyright the transcription under your own name and sell it doesn't seem right. Please forgive me if I have wrongly jumped to the conclusion that you have not appropriately arranged for copyright transfer from Dandy Rodriguez.
Sure we could take it to another level and note that most bongo riffs come from a larger vocabulary of bongo and rumba riffs from Afrocuban son, rumba and Salsa music and may have been copied by the player who recorded them with little or no modifications. Even so, he is known as a particularly good bongocero, creates a lot of his riffs himself, and has recorded them years ago, which gives him some copyright rights.
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Re: Bongó practicing.

Postby CDEM » Sat Mar 12, 2016 5:22 pm

Those riffs are basics bongo riffs, everybody plays them
and everybody can make money with them during a show or teaching them
If you play some music for a concert, do you give some money for play a clave? a marcha? a cha cha cha?

You know, I've sold 5 pieces of this transcription, So I have win 10$ with it
I can't tell you how many hours i've spend to do this job
I surely could give of purcent to Dandy, 5$?

All teachers are using transcription
All teachers are selling knowledge that they don't own rights
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