"The Drummer's Diary" - share w. us what happens to you drumming

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Postby windhorse » Thu Apr 27, 2006 11:19 pm

Cool stuff Firebrand! That's awesome playing all that stuff on the bass!
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Postby windhorse » Tue Jul 18, 2006 4:05 pm

Thought I'd revive the diary thread.
My band, Bamboche played this past Saturday at the Dreamtime Festival on Saturday. It was about 3:00, the hottest part of the day, probably around 110 degrees F.
I met Tricky Ricky, who's the guy on this forum from Peania CO. He offered for us to come and stay at his place in the future, and is quite the gentleman. Thanks Rick!
We gave a clinic for an hour before it, on Orisha songs that fit best over a 4/4 beat. There were about 15 folks that participated in the workshop, and they seemed to get the songs quite nicely! We had four of the folks that came to learn conga patterns play four parts to Iyesa. This was exceptional, as the folks that played the drums never got off their parts!
Then, we started our gig with Iyesa!
One lady who really got into it stayed on stage and sang some back-up to the coro next to me. Pretty exciting to have that happen! She later came out front and danced in the middle of our V to Guaguanco. Very inspirational to everyone!

We started with probably only 30-40 people milling about and lounging in the audience, but as we played, more and more folks from the surrounding area joined in. By the time we finished there must have been 100-150 people out front all dancing and shaking their butts, waving, and clapping in the intense heat of mid-day. There was a great dancer who moved like a Cuban lioness and got a group of about 20 people to move along with her in lines. It was so inspiring to see this happening in front of our eyes!
We had 8 guys in our band all miced up and lined in a V shape on the stage. Such a proud moment in time for this newbie. I played shaker and sang the whole time, never missing the drum, which was the original calling and inspiration to the music.
Oh, and I almost forgot to add - late that night after the sun went down and we had dinner, our "encore" was a really amazing box bembe on some of Marshall's latest boxes, and his clave made from a special African wood that just sings. Jeff played the lead on the low bajo and was playing it so hard that broke the seal. It was completely awesome, and everyone who was close to our camp to watch and experience in amazement. One lady dressed in white gown sang the Aquan to Yemaya very nicely when the energy rose to the climactic ending!
Here was our line-up for the show:

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Postby ABAKUA » Wed Sep 27, 2006 3:58 pm

Been a busy last few days with more to come to I thought Id revive this thread again!


So I been a busy boy, playing with 6 different groups now, as well as having recently been appointed as percussion director and co-director of a salsa dura band here.. Very excited!


Fri night, had a corporate function, was on congas with a local 7 piece salsa band
Sat night, had a private function (bday party), was on congas with another local salsa band
Sunday performed at the Chilean Independance day Festival (5000 people) with a 12 piece local salsa band.

Monday, rehearsed with my new main band 7pm-Midnight

Tuesday, rehearsed from 9am-11am for a fusion acid jazz/afro cuban jazz recording, Im booked for congas.
Tuesday continued... 12pm-3.30pm rehearsed with a 10 piece acid jazz/fusion/cuban timba band, then 4pm-8pm rehearsed with a Santero friend of mine who is a bata expert, worked out several things for a seminar/lecture for Syd Uni, then 8.30pm-Midnight rehearsed with my main band. Got home just after 1am...

Today (Wednesday)
Up at 5am, had to be at Channel 9 TV studios at 7am to perform live at 9am across all of Australia on the main morning show here. Performed with the 10 piece acid jazz/fusion/cuban timba band, line up is bass, 3 guitars, keyboards/piano, drums, congas, 3 vocalists.
Then was out fo there at around 10am, from there chilled for a while, had rehearsal with another band from 12pm-3pm
Then at 4.30pm I had to be at Sydney University auditorium, I was part of a panel of 3 people performing a seminar and conducting a lecture on Afro Cuban music, percussion and culture. One speaker/musician covered the clave and their variations, son, cha cha cha, danzon, and other Cuban musical forms.
2nd speaker (with whom Ive been studying and rehearsing bata with) then performed toques de Elegua, and Chango as well as clave concept/cencerros, guataca etc etc And gave a talk on what the tambores bata represent, their history and meaning. For some toques he played all 3 bata drums, in other demonstrations, he would play Iya, myself Itotele and the third speaker Okonkolo.
from there, the stage is handed to me, I am introduced and my lecture/seminar and demonstration is on Rumba Columbia, Rumba Guaguanco, Rumba Yambu, history, drum parts and how it all works together etc etc... Then performed seperatly and then all parts together on 4 congas.
6pm, gig starts at Sydney Uni (in outdoor courtyard) with a small Trova Son band, consisting of myself on congas, bongocero, baby bass, lead vocalist/trumpet, Tres.

Tomorrow (thursday):
11am-6pm rehearsal with fusion band I was on TV with today.

Friday: Annual Darling Harbour FIESTA Latin Festival main stage, gig with the fusion band, closing Fri nights activities..

Sat: 12pm Darling Harbour FIESTA Latin Festival main stage, gig with a local small salsa band (on congas)
Sat: 5pm-7pm Darling Harbour FIESTA Latin Festival main stage, gig with local 11 piece salsa band (on congas)

Sun: 3pm-5pm Darling Harbour FIESTA Latin Festival main stage at Tumbalong Park, gig with my main salsa dura band (11piece) - on congas.

Mon: 4pm Darling Harbour FIESTA Latin Festival, main stage, sitting in with small 7 piece timba/latin jazz/afro brazilian jazz band (on congas/bongo/guiro trading with percussionists in the band.
Mon: 5pm Darling Harbour FIESTA Latin Festival, main stage, gig with the Trova Son band I performed with today but with larger line up in band.
Festival comes to a close.

Tuesday: 6pm-Midnight, rehearsal with my main salsa dura band.

Wednesday - pass out/collapse till Fri nights gig, and the cycle continues!

Busy Busy Busy!!! My hands are feeling it! Need a rest farken! :laugh: :D

Will see if I can get some pics from the upcoming next few days and post em up....

What else y'all been up to?
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Postby ABAKUA » Thu Sep 28, 2006 4:17 pm

Evening spent curing hands/splits in fingers with juice from squeezed lemons. ???
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Postby OLSONGO » Thu Sep 28, 2006 7:38 pm

Abakua , have you tried shea butter on your hands , it adds life to them .

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Postby bongoron » Thu Sep 28, 2006 7:45 pm

Whoa...that's busy. May we pray that you don't collapse from exhaustion? :) It's an impressive schedule to be sure, but I'm sure I'm not the only one concerned for your health here. The demands people are placing on you speak greatly for your talent, and I pray you can just say no when you feel it's too much to add one more thing. Only you can know when that is. Best wishes for you in all those fantastic endeavors.

God bless!

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Postby bongoron » Thu Sep 28, 2006 7:56 pm

Oh, sorry, After reading Abakua's, I forgot why I came over here in the first place!

We have had an unplanned break due to our drummer's schedule at home. We believe it is resolved and that we are all on the same page, commitment-wise. Last night at church, we were asked to play an outdoor function in October, then an hour later, a local coffee house asked us to play the week after that!

We were discussing the gig-getting process at the coffee house table just before he asked us...so now we can fill in the space between now and then to really test the drummers's commitment level to the band ministry.

Meanwhile, our church band has purchased the avion system, and IEMs for everyone but the singers ??? ...and there are many issues to resolve in that band, too! Commitment is surprisingly the biggest one there too. A totally inadequate sound system is another, and the "IEM bandaid" is still another. I applaude the commitment of the musicians on the forum, since I am struggling with folks who don't share mine.

God bless!

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Postby CongaTick » Fri Sep 29, 2006 9:08 pm


I envy your schedule and am awed (and frankly, almost shocked) and astounded at what you got goin'. Wow. I'm tired just reading it. Yeah, you better take care of those hands. I, on the other hand have a lack of activity that is almost deafening. As percussion half of classic rock duo... (I know, shlock vs rock. But hey, a chance to play) our regular bar gigs have fallen off. 9 decided they didn't need live music. Philly's bar owner/mgrs do not treat live musicians well, sorry to say. My garage band (more rock/pop) limps along with re-scheduled jams. The band I loved (4 piece with flute) is on permanet hiatus with lead vox/guitar now more interested in blending me into an accoustic trio with a harmonica player. Not bad, but no commitment to be serious yet. Most of the music scene composed of bar bands and single accoustic singers who's idea of desired percussion is a rhythm well-below basic tumbao that should never, ever rise above a background level. I spend the evenings practising and playing everyday for an hour or 2 and keep an eye out for anything local that is Latin-influenced or at the very least respects the role of the percussionist. You lucky guy, 'bakua.
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Postby JohnnyConga » Sat Sep 30, 2006 4:03 am

Like Abakuas schedule..I did 6 gigs last week with 4 different bands and 2 gigs today a 4 hour recording session tomorrow, a lesson to teach and 2 more gigs with 2 different bands on this coming sunday...BTW I'm 58 and still kickin , and carry my own congas . but I won't get into the "drama" that can come with some gigs, and believe me I have done some outrageous gigs....but you will have to read the book for that story....Que viva La Musica!..."JC" Johnny Conga... :D
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Postby niallgregory » Sat Sep 30, 2006 1:32 pm

Hi Guys ,

Did one of the strangest gigs of my career last night , playing percussion for a poetry reading at a local literary festival . Steel bars , twigs , metal bells and a little bit of bongos .Some written sections and lots of improvised sections .Wacky stuff :D All good experience . Niall ..
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Postby bongoron » Sat Sep 30, 2006 4:50 pm

I must admit, I would give my eye teeth to be a pro, especially with a schedule like that. I guess I have trouble visuallizing all that work since I squeeze my music around the edges of a 12 hour swing shift job winding aluminum wire in an industrial plant. Hats off to you guys for the years of dues you must have paid to get that much work.

God bless!

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Postby JohnnyConga » Sat Sep 30, 2006 4:50 pm

Actually Niall that is exactly how I started back in the 60's in the Village in New York City playing behind "beat poets"(Beatniks) like the Great poetess Nicki Giovanni. But it taught me how to use percussion in expression with readings with dynamics and inventiveness...it is not an easy gig to pull off....so I can understand your situation very well.... :D ..I have also worked in Prisons which can be a bit different also...."JC" Johnny Conga... :D
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Postby pavloconga » Sat Sep 30, 2006 11:59 pm

Hi guys,
I did a very unusual gig recently. I was asked to play solo percussion for a dance theatre piece called 'Caminos', with Argentinean dancer Ana Grosse and Jose Gonzalez from el Salvador. The show was set in the 50's in South America and had the theme of love, migration and displacement.

On meeting with the director she asked, 'How would you feel about playing percussion on a range of suitcases instead of congas?" I said, "Yeah!". I was presented with a large range of old leather and board suitcases (probably from the 1950's). The range of sounds and textures I could get from them was amazing.

I soon discovered they all had their own note and characteristics - some had a high pitch, low pitch etc. So I had them set up much like I would set up congas around me. The first rehearsal went so well, that my role in the show was expanded to be one of the actors as well as musician.

I also suggested using the large hollow wooden stage itself as possibly the world's biggest cajon! I could get the deepest bass sounds and great slaps from that stage. A special section was written into the show for that purpose, in which a narrow beam of light shone on me in the darkened theatre as I played. The section concluded with me wrestling with one of the dancers and being pulled offstage by my feet as I played.

I can honestly say I enjoyed every second, every minute of the entire experience. It was a lot of fun and everyone was fantastic to work with as well as making some new friends.
What's more, all 3 shows were a sellout, had great reviews and extremely well recieved.

see attached pics

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Postby pavloconga » Sun Oct 01, 2006 12:02 am

Here's some more pics from Caminos:

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Postby niallgregory » Sun Oct 01, 2006 11:23 am

pavloconga wrote:On meeting with the director she asked, 'How would you feel about playing percussion on a range of suitcases instead of congas?"

Ha Ha ! fantastic ! can anyone else say they have ever done a gig on suitcases .I thought my gig on stones and tree branches was strange .Classic stufff :D
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