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Hi! Just signed up so here is a little introduction.

Postby oldNewConga » Fri Nov 15, 2019 3:04 pm

Hi all, although I see that this forum is quiet these days the respect with which people treat each other encouraged me to sign up in the hope it picks up again.

I started studying percussion in the late 80s after happening upon recordings by the likes of Sabu Martinez and the Alegre All Sars. I studied hard throughout the 90s (trying to move my 24 frames a second videos of Giovanni/Changuito etc forward one frame at a time to see if I could figure our double stroke rolls! (You couldn't work it out because his hands moved too fast!)). I am in the UK and probably learned most about Brazilian percussion in the end, but I love all manner of percussion.

I ended up moving in other musical directions through the first decade of this century. I have played my congas casually for the last decade, but recently have found myself with the impulse to study again. Finding this place, and seeing so much great material on youtube has definitely inspired me.

I was always more interested in grooves than soloing, but now am interested in really developing that side of my playing, with the information that is out there now.

Anyway, I realise this forum is quiet these days, and saw the post where people spoke of moving to facebook. Personally I prefer forums so hope things pick up here. We'll see.
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Re: Hi! Just signed up so here is a little introduction.

Postby oldNewConga » Fri Nov 15, 2019 8:32 pm

Hey I see a couple of people have viewed this! Reply! I'd love to hear from you
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Re: Hi! Just signed up so here is a little introduction.

Postby Chtimulato » Fri Nov 15, 2019 9:32 pm

Hello and welcome.
No, this forum is not dead.

If you browse these pages, you'll certainly find some ideas to develop your pratice. But feel free to ask.

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Re: Hi! Just signed up so here is a little introduction.

Postby Juaort » Sat Nov 16, 2019 12:42 am

Hi There. Welcome!! I joined the forum a couple of years ago. I too prefer the forum over FB. I started playing Latin Percussion since the 80’s. I was studying for a bit with a friend during the 90’s. Reading music and technic. Although I love it, Nowadays I do it more as a stress reliever, for fun and exercise. Just Congas and Bongos currently.

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Re: Hi! Just signed up so here is a little introduction.

Postby oldNewConga » Sat Nov 16, 2019 4:21 pm

Hi Chtimulato and Juaort, pleased this forum isn't dead. I look forward to some interesting conversations!
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Re: Hi! Just signed up so here is a little introduction.

Postby Juaort » Sat Nov 16, 2019 5:44 pm

Yea. I think there’s a ton of people who just look through it but don’t register. This forum I
Has a wealth of knowledge. It makes it fun and interesting when members can communicate and share. Recently I’ve seen an increase on people looking through it. That’s a great sign.
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Re: Hi! Just signed up so here is a little introduction.

Postby Thomas Altmann » Sat Nov 16, 2019 6:57 pm


welcome, first of all!

I'm not really sure what your question was. You only stated that you picked up congas again and shifted your focus over to soloing. That's fine, especially after securing your sound and groove abilities. And if you model yourself after Giovanni and the likes, you must be pretty advanced. But what is it that you want to know from the forum (that hasn't been covered somewhere before)?

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Re: Hi! Just signed up so here is a little introduction.

Postby oldNewConga » Sun Nov 17, 2019 12:55 pm

Hi Thomas,

Yes I didn't have a question and I don't want anything specific from the forum as of right now (edit - I was just inspired by various discussions/resources on here so suppose I am hoping for more of the same!). I have lurked for a while, then decided to sign up and so this post was just by way of a little introducion.

To make reference to my abilities I would say kind of mixed. In some ways quite advanced in others a beginner. I am happy to be just a student of the conga drums.

I have ocassionally done some musical stuff I am proud of - played on and made quite a few records (and quite a few film/tv scores) over the years - I don't know, well into double figures at least. I am old enough to remember a life before the internet when personal privacy was still the norm and am reluctant to jump into lots of detail right now. I see people here are very open so feel slightly bad about my reticence.

I prefer NOC by the way to the name I chose! I'll see if I can change it.
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Re: Hi! Just signed up so here is a little introduction.

Postby Thomas Altmann » Sun Nov 17, 2019 11:17 pm

I just wanted to abbreviate your lengthy alias, but made it wrong (should have been ONC).

I turned 65 recently, and for the first time in my life I have to admit that I feel like that, too.

I definitely remember the time before internet, and I also remember the time before Giovanni. I'm afraid that double strokes will never really make it into my musical repertoire on congas. I just don't hear it when I play. That kind of places me back in the "old-school"- position. I can't help it, but I can play a solo my way, and I get along fine. I do respect the rudimental approach (as long as neither sound nor groove are sacrificed); I just don't use it myself. (I have my snare and drum set for that.)

What sets Giovanni apart from most of his technical followers, is that he knows the tradition perfectly, and he can play Rumba, Bembé and Abakuá como es if he wants, and certainly Bomba as well (being from Puerto Rico). Of all the fantastic younger players I should mention Pedrito Martínez from Cuba as one of my favourites. He puts all the elements in a nice musical balance. He makes pretty contemporary music, as befits the generation of his age. Again, here's a guy who is completely familiar with the roots, no matter how "modern" he becomes. As if that wasn't enough, he is also a first class batá drummer, and he sings like an angel!

But none of that has any effect on my own playing, no matter how impressive it is.

Thomas Altmann
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Re: Hi! Just signed up so here is a little introduction.

Postby oldNewConga » Mon Nov 18, 2019 11:25 am

I absolutely take your point regarding the likes of Giovanni being masters of their traditions as well as master technicians (i.e. when it comes to that rudimental approach to playing hand drums). I also don't consider playing loads of rudiments on hand drums necessary! My favourite drum kit player is probably Al Jackson (Al Green's drummer (if you aren't immediately familiar)), he doesn't really play rudiments on his snare/his kit, never mind a conga!

I have listened to rumba recordings for as long as I have played percussion and I suppose if there is a focus to what I am interested in learning about I would probably say I it is those Cuban things, but I am also just enjoying finding good tones and a hand shape I like! I do consider it a matter of basic respect to learn in a musically honest fashion, and to try and honour the traditions of any music you might be trying to play.

Beyond that I am not really sure where it might go. I love the Brazilian carnival traditions, but I don't really have any plan. I am not planning on trying to earn money from music as I have in the past. I guess once I get match fit I will look for people to play with! It should be fun!
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Re: Hi! Just signed up so here is a little introduction.

Postby Thomas Altmann » Mon Nov 18, 2019 5:19 pm

Sounds wonderful! Go ahead!

Although I'm more of a Jazz drummer on the set, I know Al Jackson. He played with everybody at STAX. If I remember it correctly, he shared the same fate with trumpeter Lee Morgan, being shot by his wife /girlfriend.

Welcome again,
Thomas Altmann
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Re: Hi! Just signed up so here is a little introduction.

Postby Juaort » Mon Nov 18, 2019 7:57 pm

I’d love to see you guys set ups. Conga, Bongo, Drums? It’s all interesting to me. I like to keep my Conga set up simple, Conga & Tumba. For most gigs, back when I gigged (not 100% if that’s a word) I did a set up like you see in most late night talk shows where the Latin Percussion is a one man show and you play of the Drummer. That became to much work and a hassle. So instead of R&B/Pop, I went more towards the Salsa assemble. Simple, 2Congas and a Tumba or just Conga and Tumba. Easy/simple.

Here are the Congas I currently own and play.
• LP Palisades Park (28” Tall/70’s)
• LP Classics (30” Tall/80’s)

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Re: Hi! Just signed up so here is a little introduction.

Postby Thomas Altmann » Mon Nov 18, 2019 9:33 pm


I had posted pics of my vintage Gon Bops equipment in some other thread before, and those congas are what I have played almost exclusively for about 5 - 10 years now. I'm grateful to my former pupil Tommye Engelcke who passed them over to me for a pretty friendly price when she moved from Hamburg back to her hometown Pittsburgh, PA.

I don't think that my jazz kits (Gretsch & Slingerland) are of any interest here, especially not in this thread. If you are terribly interested in some photos, you are welcome to contact me by PM or go to my website www.jazzpercussion.de for contact data. By the way: Less off-topic are the conga solos I have online on my media page there, especially in the audio clip of "Killer Joe".

Thomas Altmann
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Re: Hi! Just signed up so here is a little introduction.

Postby oldNewConga » Tue Nov 19, 2019 1:26 am

Hi Thomas I haven't had a chance to have a proper look at your website but I certainly will in the near future.

Juaort - I don't have any fancy congas. I currently have a parir conga/tumba giovanni 40th anniversary palladium congas with the original heads (I got tham because they were on sale, but I think the shells are just the standard LP rubber tree wood). They ring a little bit from where I am sat, but that small problem seem to be forcing me to really work on getting the best tone I can so I don't mind - they sound fine to me when they are tuned and hit well! Having said that I probably will try some new heads/dampen the shell off a little at some point. I imagine when I do I will regret not doing it sooner. They are 32 inches tall (which suits me) but when I get another conga soon I will probably have to get one of the ash giovanni palladium models to match the height. Over the years I have had all kinds of setups, including a couple of periods firing a lot of sampled sounds from either percussion pads/kick pedal trigger or even a keyboard connected to either a sampler or a laptop, but thankfully Ive finally reached the age where I am happy just trying to do the basics as best as I can!

Nice chatting to you both.
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Re: Hi! Just signed up so here is a little introduction.

Postby Chtimulato » Tue Nov 19, 2019 10:12 pm

Hello. Giovannis and Palladiums are made out of ash, not rubber tree wood. The only difference between them is the bands and the 2" more on the Palladium.
I own a pair of Giovannis. But I don't like Comfort Curve rims, so I ordered some traditional crowns, which are supposed to arrive... one day... I also intend to customize them by getting rid of the stock varnish and put something else on them, certainly shellac.
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