Buying and Selling

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Buying and Selling

Postby Psych1 » Thu Nov 17, 2011 12:41 am

I buy and sell a lot of stuff. It is kind of a hobby of mine and sometimes I make money at it. But where I live, in Turkey, you bargain for everything. At the market you bargain with the farmer for vegetables, at the dentist you can bargain for the price of a crown. But, there is an implicit fairness in most negotiations and some socialization as well. From the first offer to the final deal you usually take a break and drink tea and talk of other things. When you say this is my "best price" or this is my "final offer" you are supposed to mean it. And, in most cases, it is considered really wrong to take unfair advantage of someone who really needs the money or who doesn't really know what they are buying. The whole process of trade between people is very unlike the "Nothing personal, only business" model that exists other places.

Disclaimer: This doesn't apply in Turkey when dealing with tourists!

But, I have bought some things on Ebay, US Ebay, for far less then they are worth and far less than they really should have sold for. Sometimes the seller didn't know what he was selling, or listed the item wrong. I have also seem quite a few items offered on this board that eventually sold on Ebay for a lot less then they were offered to us for.

Not sure what point I was trying to make here!! Just something nice about an honest and fair transaction. Often it feels better than getting a great deal!
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Joined: Sun May 03, 2009 6:42 am
Location: Avanos (Cappadocia), Turkey & Denver, Colorado USA

Re: Buying and Selling

Postby Antonio12 » Thu Dec 15, 2011 11:00 am

I’ve got a regional directory site that i was thinking of selling (ive got a few other ideas that i just don’t have the time or capital to implement), but from the various calculations,etc it doesn’t look worth my while.
My main problem is that I set the site up, but I don’t have the facility or time to update and maintain it as I would like (I had plan to write articles, etc for the site). Also the site doesn’t generate any revenue, as i intended it as a not-for-profit site, so its not a very attractive prospect for a potential buyer!
I think ill just do my best to keep the site up to date and try to generate some revenue from it!
Does anyone know if affiliate programmers are a worthwhile activity for generating income (I’m fairly new to the web business world but I assume that AP´s are really only of use if they are related to your market)? I have very few graphics on my site as it is, and im hesitant to add banner adds, etc (i really detest 99% of the ads out there - what can i say - i from a marketing background!).
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Joined: Thu Dec 15, 2011 9:06 am

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