More Cowbell Skit

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More Cowbell Skit

Postby Jerry Bembe » Sun Dec 19, 2010 7:37 am

I am interested about this forum's perception of the now famous "More Cowbell" skit with Will Ferrell and if any of you are in agreement with me or am I just taking this a little too seriously?

It is not uncommon for people who are ignorant to Latin and Afro-Cuban music and instrumentation to make a comment or reference to this "More Cowbell" skit when they hear about my involvement with this music. I understand that they are trying to be funny or cute but it is getting to a point that it is down right irritating. I personally believe that this "More Cowbell" skit has undermined Latin and Afro-Cuban music and cowbell as a serious instrument.

The cowbell along with the tumba set the pulse (and/or clave) and tempo of the music and there is nowhere to hide within the arrangement while playing this part so if there is a mistake made by the bell player it will negatively impact the entire band. Also the brake drum player in a steel band in Trinidad and Tobago has a relative role for a band of 100 -200 players during Panorama. This is a serious role but made a mockery of by those who (ignorantly) associate it with the "More Cowbell" skit.

I personally take cowbell and its role seriously and I proudly consider myself a conguero with bell skills. Not all congueros have good bell skills and vice-versa. So again I am asking this forum, am I taking this too seriously or do you agree with me?


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Re: More Cowbell Skit

Postby Dicemanb » Sun Dec 19, 2010 10:22 am

Hey Jerry,

I live across the Pond, so the skit isn't so well known over here and my view may be skewed by that, but IMHO you shouldn't take it too seriously. You will always get people who dont know much about any subject making reference to any small knowledge they do have to try to connect with you, maybe its their way of showing interest and trying to connect. They would'nt be there listening otherwise.

You are so right about the importance and responsibility of the Campana player in driving the band and dictating the gear the band is in, and a good Campana player will lift the energy of the band and dancers. I am still learning and will keep learning the beauty of Campana.

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Re: More Cowbell Skit

Postby roberthelpus » Sun Dec 19, 2010 5:31 pm

I thought that the skit itself was funny but hate the all too common reaction to it. T-shirts included. It's kind of like the Blues Brothers, loved the movie and the killer musicians that were in it. Then the Blues has a resurgence here in town and everybody's horn section started dressing up in the Blues Brother's uniform. Yuck

Try not to let it get to you too badly.
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Re: More Cowbell Skit

Postby SpEd » Sun Dec 19, 2010 8:57 pm

My take is the skit is more of a rip on the use of cowbell in Rock & Roll. I personally think it's funny, but from a R&R fan point of view. I guess I never thought of it as a negative impact on Latin or African music, where the bell plays a serious and key role. If you appreciate Latin or African music, there is no denying the importance of the bell, yet there are still those who think all hand drums are bongos... :roll:

The more I learn of Latin music, the more I appreciate it's complexity and richness.
Therefore, I have removed the skit as my avatar, as I understand it can be taken negatively in the context of Latin music discussion. I apologize for any offense it may have created.
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Re: More Cowbell Skit

Postby bongosnotbombs » Sun Dec 19, 2010 9:16 pm

I don't think the skit has had a negative impact on latin music per se, but I do agree, the comment repeated over and over again gets quite old. I never hear latinos use the phrase though, usually it is the square white crowd. 8)
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Re: More Cowbell Skit

Postby burke » Sun Dec 19, 2010 10:32 pm

As a wise member often ends his posts; "Keep it fun" :)

Try being named Darrell ie "and his other brother etc." :roll:


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Re: More Cowbell Skit

Postby Quinto Governor II » Mon Dec 20, 2010 1:44 am

Jerry Bembe wrote:I am interested about this forum's perception of the now famous "More Cowbell" skit with Will Ferrell and if any of you are in agreement with me or am I just taking this a little too seriously?

It is not uncommon for people who are ignorant to Latin and Afro-Cuban music and instrumentation to make a comment or reference to this "More Cowbell" skit when they hear about my involvement with this music. I understand that they are trying to be funny or cute but it is getting to a point that it is down right irritating. I personally believe that this "More Cowbell" skit has undermined Latin and Afro-Cuban music and cowbell as a serious instrument.

The cowbell along with the tumba set the pulse (and/or clave) and tempo of the music and there is nowhere to hide within the arrangement while playing this part so if there is a mistake made by the bell player it will negatively impact the entire band. Also the brake drum player in a steel band in Trinidad and Tobago has a relative role for a band of 100 -200 players during Panorama. This is a serious role but made a mockery of by those who (ignorantly) associate it with the "More Cowbell" skit.

I personally take cowbell and its role seriously and I proudly consider myself a conguero with bell skills. Not all congueros have good bell skills and vice-versa. So again I am asking this forum, am I taking this too seriously or do you agree with me?



Jerry Bembe wrote: "I personally believe that this "More Cowbell" skit has undermined Latin and Afro-Cuban music and cowbell as a serious instrument."

I think you are taking this too seriously. roberthelpus mentioned t-shirts. How old is this? I've never heard this
before. Always one of the last to hear about things in pop-culture - actually try to ignore most of it.. Pop-culture doest support Latin music, so it really can't impact it much negatively IMO. If anything this could inadvertently lead someone who normally would not expose themselves to, or be exposed to the music, to listen a little closer, when they hear the cowbell in the music in the future.
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Re: More Cowbell Skit

Postby Jerry Bembe » Mon Dec 20, 2010 6:49 am

Thanks for your comments, I am grateful for them.

I guess I am just tired of the square crowd and culture that surrounds us. I have heard so many ignorant comments about this music and this skit is often included in the comments.

I respect your comments and view points and this is why I am asking this question, I do not wish to take this too seriously but I was interested in your views on this.

I found the skit to be a little funny at first and a rock skit. Later on I have seen this take a life of its own on that is now being associated with the cowbell in general. I am rather surprized by this.

I am a samba triangle player too and this like the cowbell is rather misunderstood by square culture.

I will take your comments into careful consideration and just chalk this one up in the misunderstanding category.

Thank you,

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Re: More Cowbell Skit

Postby CongaTick » Mon Dec 20, 2010 1:46 pm

Typical quotes from countless "squares"

"Oh, I like the way you play those bongos" [When there are a set of 3 congas and no bongos in evidence]

"So you play the CONGOS...."

"I love the Cungas"

I used to correct them, but the remarks have become so frequent I gave up and finally just went with it with a smile. Of course there are those (few and far between) who approach and in a sincere manner ask questions. These I devote time and answers to. Just have fun, and most important: Learn to laugh at yourself and life. The only thing truly worth getting annoyed about is the asshole who parks diagonally across two parking spaces
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Re: More Cowbell Skit

Postby willie55 » Mon Dec 20, 2010 3:43 pm

@CONGATICK, here in Arkansas i have exactly the same problem and the same solution just go with the flow and keep on drumming, waste of time and energy trying to educate everyone everytime..'more cowbell' is the state motto on percussion
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Re: More Cowbell Skit

Postby SpEd » Mon Dec 20, 2010 4:32 pm

CongaTick wrote:Typical quotes from countless "squares"

"Oh, I like the way you play those bongos" [When there are a set of 3 congas and no bongos in evidence]

I used to reply to this one by first correcting them that my bongos were at home, but I brought my congas tonight. They would often say "well, you know what I meant".... and I'd say "well sure, but I care enough not to let you look like a moron, so..."

I don't do this any longer...
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Re: More Cowbell Skit

Postby Percussination » Sun Dec 26, 2010 3:25 pm

SpEd wrote: I used to reply to this one by first correcting them that my bongos were at home, but I brought my congas tonight. They would often say "well, you know what I meant".... and I'd say "well sure, but I care enough not to let you look like a moron, so..."

I don't do this any longer...

Oh, man. That's GOOD!
When people ask me about my CONGO playing, I'll say things like "I'm just playing congas tonight. African Republics don't fit under my hands."

But yeah, dude. Laugh it off. Even I use the "I got a fever, and the only prescription is more cowbell!" Truth is, the people who actually listen to or watch legitimate latin music know the importance of the cowbell, and that SNL skit was definitely more directed to the cowbell's role in rock music... nothing but quarter notes.
But before that skit, and after it, people still love the sound of the cowbell in "Don't Fear the Reaper" because it sounds awesome! It drives the whole song forward, and just adds something great to the song.

In my school Stage Band, we play some swing, but most of our stuff is in the idioms of funk, latin, rock, and many hybrids of these styles. Because I already play in a professional big band outside of school, I give the younger drummer a lot more time on kit, which also gives me the chance to explore latin percussion in greater depth. As a result, I play A LOT of cowbell. In rehearsal, I'll walk up to the sax section when the alto player is soloing, or when my twin brother is doing a bass solo, and just ring that cowbell. It just gives them that drive and if you play it on top of the beat, adds to the drum sets drive, adding energy to the whole band.
I remember playing at a school performance, a classmate of mine back stage, watching, and he was loving it. Just watching the cowbell, and really digging it.

So regarding the cowbell in ROCK, if you play bad or silly, it's a great gag, and will not be taken seriously. But if you can play it well, know where to sit on the beat, and create that drive, people are going to respect the cowbell. It's just awesome.

But some people, as stated in other posts, are just doing it to connect and interact. it doesn't mean they don't respect the cowbell.

People want MORE COWBELL as much as they love CONGO DRUMMING. :D
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Re: More Cowbell Skit

Postby roberthelpus » Sun Dec 26, 2010 3:32 pm

I always respond that the Congo is a river and two countries in Africa.
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Re: More Cowbell Skit

Postby Skulmoski » Mon Dec 27, 2010 8:11 am

Loved the skit. It did not diminish my appreciation for other cool music using the cowbell.

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