Jerry Gonzalez on Calle 54

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Postby Simon B » Mon Jul 19, 2004 10:29 pm

I finally received my Calle 54 DVD, shipped from the US, today. Fantastic music. I noticed that Jerry Gonzalez plays a four drum set-up with the quinto behind another drum. What is the thinking here? (I'm not saying it's wrong - just interested!) Also his guaganco rhythms are groovy and pretty curious: anyone know what kind of pattern he is playing?

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Postby RitmoBoricua » Tue Jul 20, 2004 1:24 am

Simon B wrote:I noticed that Jerry Gonzalez plays a four drum set-up with the quinto behind another drum. What is the thinking here? (I'm not saying it's wrong - just interested!)

I think he has the 11 3/4 in front of the "quinto". To me he uses the quinto to add color or accents to his "marcha". He has two conga instructional videos where he uses similar set-up. I know he likes tp play a lot of "rumba" patterns while playing the congas with Fort Apache.
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Postby Mike » Thu Jul 22, 2004 7:35 pm

As there seem to be hundreds of guaganco patterns and variations, I find it hard to tell ehich one Jerry Gonzales plays - especially ´cause I know a mere handful ;-) But he does play brilliantly, that´s for sure. There might be a freestyle, even a bit "crazy" touch to his playing... but I like it.
It´s one of the best tracks on the DVD. BTW, what do you think about the rumba session ?(last track)
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Postby Simon B » Thu Jul 22, 2004 8:46 pm

Hello Mike! How are you? You haven't been around much on the forum lately!

The rumba session is an awesome spectacle and great fun to watch. I did wonder that too many elements were piled into the sound, however, in contrast with, say, a folklorico group like Los Munequitos. I don't like the addition of the upright bass - the addition of the one conventional harmonic instrument seems unnecessary.

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Postby Mike » Fri Jul 23, 2004 7:26 am

Hello Simon,
you are exactly right in two ways: Yes, the rumba session track on Calle 54 seems to be a bit "arty-farty" to me, but it´s still great. Secondly, yes, I haven´t been around at Congaplce for a long time. Honestly, until now I had to dedicate my time and energy to teaching music. Now it´s holiday time :cool:
I´m looking forward to practicing congas, having inspiring freetime for new concert pieces and: seeing/reading news from the close conga community on this fantastic website!
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Postby Ivan » Fri Jul 23, 2004 2:56 pm

RitmoBoricua wrote:RitmoBoricua,
Simon B wrote:He has two conga instructional videos where he uses similar set-up.


Do you know where I can find these instructional videos or better yet can you make copies for me? :D I would pay for the copies assuming it would be cheaper than the original...

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Postby Johnny Conga » Fri Jul 23, 2004 6:26 pm

Understand that Jerry's style is Jerry's style. He trys to creat the rumba paatern on 4 congas with his quinto "in front" of his conga that sits with him. It is a way he developed many years ago in his playing. It is not unique, I have seen many cats play this way before. I used to play with 3 drums to my right, when I first started out but felt "one-sided" so I moved one over to my left, and now I could If I wanted to, could play up to 7 congas, "not comfortably" and I never do, really, I only use 3 on a gig, sometimes 4 or 5 if I'm feeling really strong...ha ha ha.....that's a lot of work playing up to 5 congas, it really is. so just understand that "style" is also what makes the player. It's like our individual "fingerprints" . Jerry has his "style" of playing. Can u dig it?....JC JOHNNY CONGA... :;):
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Postby Ivan » Fri Jul 23, 2004 7:52 pm

I can dig it...

Just curious to see the videos... I get a lot of these "instructional" videos for inspiration more than a lesson... I've learned after purchasing my first few "instructional" videos that's what I get'em for - inspiration, not a lesson... To me it's entertainment... One on One lessons is my best approach to learning...

Do you have a copy or know where I can get one?
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Postby Simon B » Sat Jul 31, 2004 1:20 am

What about Giovanni on Tito's track?! He hits so hard in his solo! Muffled tones and closed slaps - what a powerful combination!

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Postby RitmoBoricua » Sat Jul 31, 2004 2:51 am

Ivan wrote:
RitmoBoricua wrote:RitmoBoricua,
Simon B wrote:He has two conga instructional videos where he uses similar set-up.


Do you know where I can find these instructional videos or better yet can you make copies for me? :D I would pay for the copies assuming it would be cheaper than the original...



Hi. Sorry I am late on this, tonite is the first time I see your post. Go to ebay or descarga. On the second video Jerry has Richie Flores and Milton Cardona with him and they play excellent jams. :)
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