SUNNY FLODIDA/ LET'S CONGA TOGETHER - Interested In having a live conga forum?

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Postby TonyTumbador » Fri Jul 23, 2004 2:55 pm

If there's a protocol to the request of the coming together of percussionist in this site please let me know.

The need is great , many of us don't enjoy having the like minded percussionist in our areas,or just simply meet to exchange ideas etc. So why not set a forum to share in a relaxing setting. I know this is not a new Idea and has probably been done, but if there's interest in coming to SUNNY FLORIDA I could help set it up

Give feedback and we'll see what happens

Tony Tumbador
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Postby Ivan » Fri Jul 23, 2004 3:07 pm


Ahhh... I am glad to hear another fellow conguero/drummer trying to put a jam session together...

Unfortunately, I am not in Florida - but I understand where you are coming from... For 6-7 months I was trying to start a Rhumba jam in the park (here in Seattle, WA) everytime I would ask one of the "old timers" they would turn me down... When I was at my wits end - I met by hermano/friend/instructor Johnny Conga... After being turned down so many times - I feared asking him to do the same... To my surprise-he was up for it... We've been doing this for 3 Sundays in a row now... the last Sunday we had 5 guys show up...

I hope you are fortunate as I was in finding someone who was experienced and down to hit the drum in the park... If you have not yet - keep trying man - don't give up!!! I know JC used to live in Florida - maybe he can point in the right direction of jamming w/ some of the pros in your area...

JC - care to jump in?

Good Luck, Tony!

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Postby TonyTumbador » Fri Jul 23, 2004 3:30 pm

If there's a live forum where there's enough interest where even if I have to travel, I'm willing to go.

Ok, maybe there's a big name pro or not. To me it's not so important as long as there's some quality Congero Bonding for lack of a better word. Sometimes it's very cool just to talk and share with the every day to day congero that has'nt become so famous, and then of course there's the big names in this family of congeros. either way I'd love to have that opportunity

So we love to continue to here from you guys :cool:
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Postby Mr. Furley » Fri Jul 23, 2004 4:35 pm

Can anyone give me the low-down on showing up at a Rumba with your instrument...what's the ettiquette, protocol, or the "rules" so to speak...especially for beginners??

By the way Tony, what part of Florida are you in?
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Postby Ivan » Fri Jul 23, 2004 5:14 pm


Don't grab or play anyone else's instrument w/o their permission. Don't just jump in to a jam w/o asking if you can joing them. Most importantly, if you don't know how to play something don't be afraid to ask someone to show you a thing or two... And last, but not least - HAVE FUN!
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Postby Raymond » Fri Jul 23, 2004 5:44 pm

I will add to the rules

1. So you do not bruise egos, DON'T CRITIZE OTHER PEOPLE'S PLAYING.. Some people do not like to be critized. (BEWARE WHO YOU TELL HOW TO PLAY...Is not well received sometimes)


3 - Last but not least....STAY IN CLAVE....

All the above applies if you are in a rumba of people you barely know....When is a friendly rumba...forget about it and do your best....


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Postby Johnny Conga » Fri Jul 23, 2004 6:03 pm

All great advice...JC JOHNNY CONGA..... :;):
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Postby TonyTumbador » Mon Jul 26, 2004 1:02 pm

Mr Furley: I live in the west coast of florida in beautiful Bradenton Fl., 50 miles south of Tampa and 80 miles north of Ft. Meyers. I am originally from Brooklyn New York ( NEW YORK RICAN) and been living in florida 23 years.
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