Drum circles - Where are they ?

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Postby TresGolpes » Sat Dec 28, 2002 12:07 am

I'm in the Los Angeles area and know of these drum circles:

Griffith Park - by the Merrygoround
Huntington Beach - by the Pier
Yembe drum circles at Yorubahouse and Motherland (Sat)

These conga drum circles meet on Sundays, starting at noon.

But !

As the time of day progresses and more lunatics are added in, the rhythms get muddied to the point that 30 drummers can be playing on one end 6/8 and the other side 4/4 with most drummers oblivious to what is going on ...This problem becomes worse when the Yembes are added in and a dozen guys begin to riff in a frenzy !

So, my first question is :

Do you all know people that actually want to play parts, claves, palitos, and sing? That actually want TO RELATE AND COLLABORATE ?

Where are these people ? I only know about 8 that I need to call and invite to private gatherings, the problem is that as time goes on, most drift away.

Would appreciate advice as to how it relates to Southern California rumberos and how to organize drum circles in a more coherent fashion than Griffith Park !
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Postby muddy323 » Sat Dec 28, 2002 1:52 am

im in Los Angeles too....When i go to Griffin Park....i set up away from the big circle, like across the street and wait for other's to join...that seem to work better than 30 conquero wailing away. sometime i sit off from the circle, so i can hear myself,which also works too....sometime i get right in the middle and become one of those wailin souls.

Edited By muddy323 on Dec. 28 2002 at 01:53
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Postby Michael S » Sun Dec 29, 2002 2:14 am

Count your blessings Three Beats. In my part of AZ, mention drum circle and everyone shows up with djembes, frame drums, and souvenir Indian tom-toms. Then they all want to chant up the Great Spirit and sing OM!
I'd love to be able to do EXACTLY what it is you want to do: sit with other percussionists and play rhythms and parts. I'd be happy to just play clave! (Well, maybe for a little while.)
All AZ has gone djembe crazy!
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Re: Drum circles - Where are they ?

Postby droid » Sat Sep 10, 2011 3:34 am

This is the real base of percussion.
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Re: Drum circles - Where are they ?

Postby Derbeno » Sat Sep 10, 2011 4:18 am

Ah Drum Circles:
Basically same rhythm patterns slightly modified, with each and everyone remaining in their own personal space and wanting to solo all at the same time.
I graciously pass.
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Re: Drum circles - Where are they ?

Postby Jerry Bembe » Sat Sep 10, 2011 4:56 am

Hey what ever works for them. Most drum circles become a "TESTOSTERONE FEST" but it has its place for people to blow off steam.

A Rumba is not a Drum circle and vice versa.

I am still learning my Rumba parts though. I started out with drum circles and street drumming. They both have their place.
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Re: Drum circles - Where are they ?

Postby KidCuba » Sat Sep 10, 2011 4:57 am

I'm in Los Angeles and there was a rumba at Griffith Park three weeks ago, some serious stuff -NO drum circle. We were down by the baseball fields.

The drum circle at Griffith Park is what it is... In the 90s you had some great rumberos going to Griffith Park on the regular, and it would get pretty heavy - but those days are gone.

Leimert Park has a few guys who wander from the main drum circle on Saturday and Sunday from time to time, but it is not constant and even when they play, the authenticity varies. These cats frustrate me, they know how to play, but seem gins letting it become a smaller conga only free form circle.

PM me, I am trying to start a regular monthly rumba.

There are also a few classes in town where you might find other aspiring rumberos.
Triple Pulse Conga Practice- http://www.larumbero.com
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Re: Drum circles - Where are they ?

Postby Jose Marquez » Tue Sep 13, 2011 9:24 pm

Yo Kidcuba, I'm in LA too. I'm a newbie but would love to watch, learn and listen in on some real rumba sessions. Please pm me and keep me posted on future gatherings ;)
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