What type of drumming style is this???

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Postby zaragemca » Sun Apr 11, 2004 2:28 am

Brother Gilbert,I don't know what kind of interpretation different musicians would give to the parametric structure of the Guaguanco,but yes, it is a 4/4 time signature.For the third time I would say 'the clave'. 3/2 was the best timing pattern which could have been created at that time by my ancestors percussionists becouse they didn't know about time signature.The same thing with the Yorubas which created their time signature, but not even the Missionaries,or Scolars which tryed to racionalize the structure of the Drumming could find it out(forcing the subdivision of 3/4 time signature(6/8) in order to codify it(see the post 'Origins of 6/8 time signature' for more info.) .And some people would try to argue that it is not sofisticated :laugh:.

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Postby zaragemca » Sun Apr 11, 2004 2:48 am

This is an answer to JC,yes those drumming patterns,of Guaguanco and Comparsas are sycronization of drumming patterns of differents African-Civilizations,just for you info brother JC, in Africa there is a difference between Civilizations and 'Tribes',there are thousands,of Tribes in Africa which got assimilatated in to several Civilizations.

Edited By zaragemca on 1081651945
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