Square tuning lugs on older-style LP timbales?

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Square tuning lugs on older-style LP timbales?

Postby The_Faniatic » Mon Aug 10, 2020 1:41 am

Hi All,

I finally received the set of LP Prestige timbales I'd been waiting on and was disappointed to discover the tuning wrench was not included. (Fortunately, the pailas themselves seem to be in excellent condition, though they could use some new heads.) I figured this was no big deal, as I could simply order a replacement wrench from LP. It turns out, it's not that simple! At some point, LP transitioned from the square tuning lugs on my set to lugs with hex heads and they no longer sell the tuning wrench for the old style square lugs. They also sell a congo/bongo tuning wrench that they claim works for some older timbales, which I ordered, but the wrench is too big.

I'm currently trying to figure out the sizes of the tension rods, so I can procure a wrench that would work, but as I don't currently have a wrench that fits the heads, I don't want to force the issue and risk stripping the lugs just to remove one. Has anyone else had this problem? Would anyone happen to know what size wrench would fit these lugs?

Thank you!

p.s. I uploaded some pics. Sorry they aren't very good, but they were the best I could do with my phone.
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Re: Square tuning lugs on older-style LP timbales?

Postby Juaort » Wed Aug 12, 2020 1:26 am

Wow, that’s a new one for me. Didn’t know LP made anything like that. I’ve owned original LP Tito Puente timbales plus others from different eras, but none were square. Maybe bring one of the nuts to the local hardware store and see if they have a wrench that will fit. Last thing you want is to strip one of those. Finding a replacement will not be easy.
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Re: Square tuning lugs on older-style LP timbales?

Postby The_Faniatic » Wed Aug 12, 2020 7:21 pm

Thanks for the reply, Juaort. Yes, it's strange that I haven't been able to find more about this online, but I contacted LP and they confirmed that at some point they changed to the hex style lugs and no longer make the old style tuning keys.

I was able to determine that the size of the square lugs is 5/16". After some additional digging, I found that there is a plumbing key made for turning spigots on and off called a 'Sillcock Key.' They can be found either as single keys in 5/16" or as 4-way keys that include a 5/16" size. In case anyone reading this thread ever needs a replacement key, they are cheap, widely available, and work perfectly for the old style square lug LP timbales!
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