"Folkloric" - Misnomer?

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Postby Charangaman » Wed Jun 27, 2007 2:02 pm


I hear the term "Folkloric" more and more, Pearl now have thier "Folkloric range" And I imagine many other manufaturers will follow suit..

In my local alternative record store they now have folkloric section... Why do we refer to Rumba, which is very alive and very real, as folkloric?

Practitioners of this music and culture surely don't deem it as folklore but historical truth...?
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Postby zaragenca » Wed Jun 27, 2007 3:53 pm

Folklor is the traditional belief,(custumbres),culture and practice which are orally transmited as legacy from one generation to another so to keep it alive....Rumba is a folkloric music of Cuba which have been staying very active,alive....The traditional instruments which are used to play that music are folkloric instruments.Dr. Zaragemca
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