Hi Thomas,
That is very interesting, the course you are teaching at Hamburg Conservatory. What goes around comes around. You might want to include some discussion of Jose Manuel (Lico) Jimenez Berroa, who was a black Cuban professor at the Hamburg Conservatory in the early 20th century, and also was my great grandfather. He and his father and brother were among the first black Cubans in Hamburg, and Lico Jimenez was in charge of recruiting students from Latin America and other countries around the world. There are some references on him in the Wiki article:
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jos%C3%A9 ... nez_BerroaThe article by Josephine Wright on Das Negertrio Jimenez listed in the Wiki references is the best published work I have seen, but there is a Cuban musicologist doing a PhD dissertation on him who has some additional info as well. According to my mother, who grew up in Hamburg, all the music by Lico Jimenez that was in Hamburg was destroyed during the war, but el Museo de la Musica in La Habana has copies of a lot of his works, and some by his father Jose Julian Jimenez. I have a lot of other info on him and the Jimenez family, email me at gfj7 at optonline dot net if you are interested. I would love to hear about your course. Also if you happen to run into any additional information on the Jimenez family in Hamburg, I would be extremely interested in hearing about it.