Bongos in a live setting: a diminutive role ?

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Bongos in a live setting: a diminutive role ?

Postby Beatnik07 » Thu Aug 27, 2020 1:16 pm

I was re-watching these below, and I noticed how short was the duration of the bongos player solo, compared to the other instruments. And I then remembered observing this in several other circumstances as well. Granted in the second video the bongos player switched to the bell. But I don't believe he played bongos overall more than a couple minutes (on a 13+ minutes song).

Not only this, but often it seems to me that on stage, amid a band, the bongos are often poorly heard and also lack proper dynamics (mic problems ? mixing console problem ?).

I understand that the timbales, brass section, congas, drums, etc. are all louder instruments which can easily overtake the bongos, but it's been a long time that salsa and latin jazz bands have performed live or been recorded with typical stage sound electronic equipment, allowing lots of liberty in the way each instrument sounds and the level at which each instrument is heard, in the final mix.

Please tell me: is it just a traditional choice, a false impression on my part, or something else ?

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