fibreglass overtones

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Postby roland » Sun Oct 10, 2004 10:32 am

Having played wood congas (Toca/LP) for 10 years I have made up my mind to changing to fibreglass ones (more projection). But of course with fibreglass there is always this problem with overtones and metallic ringing.

Has anyone come across a set of fibreglass congas that don't have too much of these undesired noises???

The problem is, most stores have only Meinl and lp on stock. I don't like the Meinl fibrecraft - they sound really metallic (especially when you play muffled slaps). As for lp, I only know the 30'' range (Patato, Galaxy etc.) I guess the 28'' Original could be an alternative.

Are there any manufacturers, apart from the two mentioned, that produre decent fibreglass congas? Pearl Elite congas have been praised a lot in this forum, but I also heard that they sound even more metallic that the LPs!

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Postby Raymond » Sun Oct 10, 2004 1:06 pm

The metallic or overtones of the fiberglass is something you have deal with it. Is a tough decision...The best is to "test" them, perhaps together with some wood models so you could determine what sounds close to wood.

LP has technically two types of Fiberglass: the ones that are Patato like and the ones that are not. Everything that is not the regular fiberglass are not Patato style. Currently, everything LP has on other lines such as the Accent, Galaxy, etc are a "Patato design". Difference is hardware and material or reinforcement in the congas such as Kevlar in the Galaxys.....(Patatos are just wide belly with small mouth in the bottom). I have some Galaxy and I bought them because of the Patato style that provides sound as good as wood because of the design... Giving the benefit of the doubt to LP, they are realeasing everything new or giving emphasis to the Patato style conga that has been very succesful and that provides sharp tones that are pretty good for live situations...If you go LP, perhaps one model in that style will work. Some seated players complain that any Patato style model has a drawback and it is its "small mouth" in the bottom that when playing seated could be a problem for volume....Besides that I have not heard or seen any problems with LP models...It depends what are you looking for... LP throws people off because of their prices and right now are getting good competition out there!

Pearl just came out with a Bobby Allende Signature Series with "seemless" fiberglass (that is, no metal ring in the design of the conga in the middle of it) and they sound pretty good. However, some people might have them with too much overtones because they come with Remo Fiberskyns from the factory. (The heads provide more "overtones'). I tried them and they sound pretty good. No metallic sound though! They are 28 inches instead of 30. They are at a good price but I know they are getting hard to find because they are selling pretty good!

Is your decision....If your problem is need to go and test the congas yourself or find some buddies with those congas and try them...If you buy something you do not like you will regret it...

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Postby Isaac » Sun Oct 10, 2004 6:44 pm

I have both wood and fiberglass sets for different situations.
I prefer wood, but for gigs where I really need to be heard
with a large band & horn section I use my LP Galaxies.
At home I notice the annoying ringing more.
To remedy the ringing I replaced the original heads with
thicker mule skin. This mellowed the sound - not in volume -
but the overtones are 90% gone, and I can play them together
with my wood drums and not notice a mismatch in sound.
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Postby roland » Tue Oct 12, 2004 7:39 am

Thanks for replies

just 2 things:
1. As for the Bobby Allende congas: are there any good without the remo skins? I had some on my quinto once, they have a very distinct sound, so it' s difficult to say what the Bobby Allendes will sound like with natural skins. Actually, the idea of making a fibreglass conga without a metal ring at the bearing edge seems to good to me.

2. the question of 28'' LP original vs. 30'' lp (patato, galaxy etc.): I know the Patatos (played them at the local store a few times, lots of carpets, so very difficult to tell what they sound like), but have never played the LP Originals (on recordings they usually sound great). Is there a noticeable difference in sound between them (in terms of projection, overtones). Generally speaking, I prefer the sound of the Salsa shapes to the 30'' shapes - I think they sound more direct.

By the way, if some of you are looking for good microphones for congas: "Musik Produktiv" (must be found all around the world) have released new dynamic clip mics (around €70) identical to the AKGs, but much cheaper!) - brand name: Collins. Honestly, forget your old Sure 57s or other types of overhead mics. They just can't cope with the high frequencies you get when slapping. Most players agree that clip mics are the better choice in terms of projection (if you don't believe, have a try) but so far they have been too expensive.

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Postby franc » Wed Oct 13, 2004 12:10 am

how are you?? tell me where you bought the mule skins?? i have ''giovanni galaxy series'' i want to get them , mule skins. here in puerto rico is hard to find it. will appreciate your help. my best to you and all in the forum.
franc :)
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Postby sabrosona » Thu Dec 30, 2004 6:44 am

Quite of an outdated answer, but I have played with LP accents and loved both the sound and feel of em.

I have noticed the overtones u keep mentioning on the LP Galaxy fiberglass but I 've had no probs whatsoever with the LP accents! Weird huh? Maybe it's the kevlar??
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