Percussion Studio - FYI: Free & Great Rhythm Software by Henry Kellner

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Postby limberic » Thu Oct 04, 2001 2:17 am

Check this Out!

Percussion Studio has an intuitive GUI, one helluva percussion lineup (18 instruments) - EZ to use. I think the sounds are realistic enough, too.

It has helped me to really begin exploring and working out multi-part rhythms without having to call up friends for a session. Henry says, "Rhythm patterns are often difficult to remember, and even more difficult to read. Percussion Studio solves these problems with its simple rhythm notation system that lets you easily transcribe rhythms. It can play multiple instrument voices simultaneously, and each track is mutable so you can play along and learn individual parts. The program comes with some standard rhythms, you can add your own instruments, provides functions for automatic handset notation, use it as a rhythm sampler with WAV files, allows simultaneous playing and editing, and plays note changes immediately."

Fully functional freeware but it will cost you ษ to save your files. Now, if I could only sneak this one by the wife, I've already over-spent this year's persussion budget!!!

Cheers, Eric
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