Hi All!

... all the messages not related to the above forums have to be posted here: Thanks!

Postby Liverneck » Tue Sep 28, 2004 8:15 pm

Hi All, first time caller, short time listener.
First off, I just want to give digs to a lot of the posts and posters on this board. Especially Johnny Conga… whoa… the experience, knowledge, background and wisdom he has is huge. I like his no b.s., nothing to prove, way of explaining. The type of guy I’d like to grab some beers & congas with and pick his brain for a few days. Same with tamboricua, Laurent L, congaman, tonio, Simon B & Rayboogie. Great job guys, I look forward to your future posts and contributing with you.
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Postby JohnnyConga » Tue Sep 28, 2004 11:18 pm

First let me say WELCOME Drum Brother, to our family of Drum Brothers...I would love to share a beer with you and some congas, your welcome anytime your in the Pacific Northwest where I now make my home-Seattle. So Thank you LiverNeck??..um....ok.....How about telling us a bit about your drumming history and experience...."JC" Johnny Conga.... :D
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Postby Liverneck » Wed Sep 29, 2004 3:11 am

Thanks for the warm welcome JC! Glad to be here. In a nutshell ... things I groove on would be lots of jazz, rock & funk. Played in salsa groups, mainly Son, Cumbia, Comparsa.. etc. Love Samba to (pagogue, batucada, biaon), ran the gammit from surdo to tamborim, but samba drumset I am addicted to. Learned Talis years back, but rarely get a chance to jam on that anymore and am pissed my fingers don't remember the tahls I once new. Lots of reggae & calypso and play an earl wong chrome plated tenor steel pan (my baby). Done recording and have toured in the u.s. with a few bands & played in europe on a few occasions. Was under the weather for a bit, but now am back in gear and mainly play around Chicago. Honors of playing with Hamid Drake, Herbie Mann, Steve Turre, an ex smashing pumpkin, blah blah... brushes with greatness are like a$$holes, everyone has got 'em. Have had tons of teachers & mentours and teach kids and adults. I like teaching kids because they don't necessarily have preconcieved notions of what is tough to play and whats not, they just learn as best they can and it's our job to make them feel good about it. Well, a little more than a nutshell but you see where i find my groove. Here's another solo I did, along the same lines of what I posted on the 'doubles' thread here Just a little more to explain where I'm coming from. Hope you dig.
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Postby NaVajO » Wed Sep 29, 2004 1:21 pm

Welcome to the page Liverneck! :)
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Postby Liverneck » Thu Sep 30, 2004 1:10 pm

Thanks NaVajO, good karma here!
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