Conguero Smokers???

... all the messages not related to the above forums have to be posted here: Thanks!

Postby CongaTick » Fri Feb 15, 2008 6:42 pm

What I know of you, you'll never "out-grow adolescence" :laugh:

So far, smoke free almost a month!! Big deal for me. Have done gigs, sat with other smokers and can still get through--- AND haven't turned into a smoke Nazi. CHANTIX is an amazing tool. Will be on it for the next 6 mos to seal the deal. Your support means a lot to me. Smokers who want to quit and interested in CHANTIX -will be happy to give you more info.
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Postby JimG » Fri Feb 15, 2008 8:37 pm

echo echo

When I was quitting, I told myself during temptation times (read as cocktail hour :;): ).... "right now the worst cigarette in your entire life... is the next one. It will defeat you, it will conquer you, it will lead you to a lower self esteem and you will die sooner because of it." After almost 4 years, it is still true.

Keep workin'!
Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail. -- Ralph Waldo Emerson
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Postby CongaTick » Tue Feb 19, 2008 3:26 pm

Just one puff is all it takes. My name is CongaTick... and I'm an addict,
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Postby yoni » Tue Feb 19, 2008 10:25 pm

No, CongaTick, you WERE an addict.

Keep on workin', as JimG said.

Even if you backslide at times don't kill yourself over it - better not even one puff, but if it happens you can still stop. It's simply easier if you stop completely - cold and all at once.

Just reading this thread makes me want to light up, dammit!

We gotta make the cigs a "non - issue", just as they were a non - issue before we ever started smoking...

The strong urges last only about 30 seconds; then they are gone.

Distraction can help.

Here's one:

I don't consider myself a singer, but have had some steady work here playing drum set while singing rock and roll oldies...

Below is a link to a myspace spot of my Haifa band where I do this still (even though I now live in Tel Aviv). The sax player arranged the myspace spot and came up with the name "Kostiza Band" (I never eat kostiza, but what the hey...)

Hope you enjoy the tunes. Like I said, singing isn't my forte, but the drumming in Belafonte's "Coconut Woman" is okay.

Hope you all enjoy!


Here's the link:
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Postby CongaTick » Wed Feb 20, 2008 2:03 pm

YEAH!!!! Old time rock n roll. Love it. Yer right about the cigs. So far no backsliding here, and am constantly on guard for that jonesing moment which I easily overcome. Love Coconut Woman.
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Re: Conguero Smokers???

Postby vinnieL » Tue Sep 30, 2008 7:53 am

CongaTick so how is it going with the smoking cessation? give us an update
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Re: Conguero Smokers???

Postby jorge » Wed Oct 01, 2008 2:04 am

The strongest drummer I ever played with was Francisco Aguabella, and that was when he was 81 years old. He told me he doesn't smoke or drink. Some people lead by example.
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